
Baby on the way

Much to our surprise, Bryan and I found out a few weeks ago that we are expecting an addition to our family, and this time, not one that barks. After the initial shock, we are ecstatic and can't wait to meet our sweet little one sometime in late August/September. We had our first doctors appointment last week and everything went great, we go back in a few weeks to have an ultrasound to find out exactly how far along I am so we can plan accordingly. We are blessed to have many friends with new babies who can give us pointers and can be best buddies with baby B. We've started tossing around some names... its just so much fun to be able to plan everything. Any suggestions are welcome. I have some favorites, but will wait to share them in a future post. We decided to start up this blog to keep our friends and family updated, and share the joys of pregnancy. Lets just say so far, I'm thankful for saltine crackers.


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