
Snow Day

Well we are snowed in, it looks like we got close to 6 inches of snow... maybe more? but we thankfully made it home last night... we stayed at my mom and dads on Thursday night, and had a good time, but apparently Sadie does not know how to sleep anywhere but at home, so we were glad to be back home last night.

I've spent the morning surfing the web looking at baby things... the thing that is crazy to me is that pregnancy seems to change your body and all of your "normals" completely... so being my first time, every time something is different I am getting out the pregnancy bible (what to expect when you are expecting) to see if its ok, I may be a little paranoid, ok? If I can't find it out there I check it out on BabyCenter. Whoever said being a nurse was going to make this easier was very mistaken. I guess just like everything else, its a learning experience...

A few things that I find really interesting about pregnancy are:

1. I never have problems sleeping at night usually, lately I have been waking up 2 or 3 times in the night to go to the bathroom and find it hard to fall back asleep.
2. I never take unusually long naps during the day, and I have found myself sleeping 2-3 hours on the afternoons that I am not at work, like I am out cold.
3. I have successfully given up my 8 year diet coke/caffeine addiction in a matter of literally like a day, stopped cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant, and I've never wanted to eat better or take better care of myself than now in order to have a healthy pregnancy.   
4. Smells are extremely strong and are tending to make me nauseated almost immediately, not a good thing when you are a nurse and in patients rooms... I don't think I need to continue.
5. My favorite foods makes me nauseous if Bryan even mentions them... so he isn't allowed to talk about Mexican food anymore... I'm hoping this is gone once Baby B is born (or sooner) or our dear Acambaro is going to be missing us.
6. I've already begun dreaming of what baby B's dream nursery and wardrobe is going to consist of.
7. We've already pretty much decided on a girls name we like, but are still accepting ideas for boys, hard to find names that sound good with Buettemeyer.

Its going to be a very fun 7ish more months... I am looking forward to every minute of it and looking forward to meeting our sweet baby.


  1. congratulations!! i had no idea! may you two enjoy EVERY minute of it!


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