Blueberry Muffins... and 29 weeks.
This morning I woke up craving blueberry muffins. This usually would not be a daunting task, but I quit eating wheat (and all flour, malt, barley products) about 4 months ago, due to some problems I was having and the fact that my mom and grandma have Celiac Disease... and I probably do too, but can't be tested until after Hudson is here... So getting rid of the wheat products has helped me tremendously, but I can't help but crave my favorites. So this morning I, with the help of my new iphone 4 that my husband surprised me with at work on Monday, embarked on the process of making gluten-free blueberry muffins that were not only edible but similar to the real thing (harder than you might think)... I downloaded an app called Cook It allergy free, which has all gluten free recipes and it substitutes out other allergens as needed, and make the most INCREDIBLE blueberry muffins. So lets just say I am now a very happy pregnant girl.
Fourth of July with the Buettemeyers was not very eventful. I worked Saturday, Sunday and Monday, while Bryan got to enjoy the long weekend at home with Sadie. We did shoot off some fireworks with my family Saturday night, and got a couple of good meals. :)
Tomorrow morning we have another ultrasound, excited to see how big Hudson is now... I'm sure I will be posting the pictures.
Oh on another note, my sister-in-law, Jordan, is in Niamey, Niger (Africa) right now doing mission work until September 1st. We got to talk to her last night on Skype and the one thing that she needs a lot of prayer for right now is learning their language, Zarma. So for those of you prayer warriors out there, please be praying for Jordan and this incredible adventure she is on right now. We are so excited for her, but also miss her and can't wait for her to be home with us in two months. God is going to do great things through her. You can visit her blog here: Jordan's Blog
Fourth of July with the Buettemeyers was not very eventful. I worked Saturday, Sunday and Monday, while Bryan got to enjoy the long weekend at home with Sadie. We did shoot off some fireworks with my family Saturday night, and got a couple of good meals. :)
Tomorrow morning we have another ultrasound, excited to see how big Hudson is now... I'm sure I will be posting the pictures.
Oh on another note, my sister-in-law, Jordan, is in Niamey, Niger (Africa) right now doing mission work until September 1st. We got to talk to her last night on Skype and the one thing that she needs a lot of prayer for right now is learning their language, Zarma. So for those of you prayer warriors out there, please be praying for Jordan and this incredible adventure she is on right now. We are so excited for her, but also miss her and can't wait for her to be home with us in two months. God is going to do great things through her. You can visit her blog here: Jordan's Blog
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