Happy 5 months H baby!
My Sweet Hudson Charles is 5 months old today.
Sweet boy, during your 4th month of life, you saw more snow than even Mommy and Daddy have seen in a long long time.
-I just moved you up to size 2 diapers, you're getting to be a BIG boy now.
-You wear all 3-6 month clothes now.
-You're still sleeping through the night, but an early riser just like mama.
-You've started rolling over BOTH ways, so adorable.
-You smile and laugh at us. It melts our hearts every time.
-You love to play with your toys.
-You will play and play for hours on your play mat or saucer.
-You have started staying in the nursery while we are at church or bible study.
-You are getting sweeter and sweeter every day. I don't remember what my life was like before you were born.
-You turn your head to look for our voices, and you recognize your name.
-Mommy and Daddy have several nicknames for you: Huddy, Buddy, Dookie (daddy's favorite), H...
-Everyone still says that you look like daddy, but I think you look like mama too.
-One of my favorite changes this month is that you're not always mad when you get up, and you will just smile so big when mama comes to get you out of your crib.
-You've started eating rice cereal, you still don't really love it, but you think its really funny when mama tries to feed you.
-You have started noticing Sadie, and you love to pet her. She still isn't sure what to think about you.
-You've really found your voice and like to scream and make all kinds of noises. We love it.
Mama and Daddy just keep on loving you more and more. You're the biggest blessing in the whole world.
Happy 5 Months Hudson!
Mom and Dad love you so much.
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