I have written before about my passion for missions. I went on my first mission trip when I was in 7th grade. I went on my first mission trip to Mexico in 8th grade and I have been on 5 or 6 since. I love Mexico. I lived there for a year in elementary school because my dad worked with Wal-Mart International. It was one of me most incredible years of my life. I truly believe that God placed my family in Mexico because He wanted to later reveal to me that it was my passion.
Missions + Mexico = my passion
Now... obviously my family is a huge passion in my life. But I really believe that one reason God placed me on this earth to do mission work in Mexico. At least part time for now. I have known this since I was in Jr High although only pieces of the puzzle were made known to me at that time.
My first major in college was pharmacy. My dream was to open a pharmacy in Mexico to help the needy. I worked in the pharmacy on numerous mission trips that my mom and I made to Mexico each summer. I realized quickly after my first semester of college that Pharmacy is NOT what I wanted to do, but I had all of these biology and medical classes that were going to waste... until God revealed to me the next part of his plan, that I was made to be a nurse. My mom was a nurse (still is, but now a Nurse Practitioner) and I had never even considered it. So I moved home to go to nursing school and tada here we are today... sorta.
A huge struggle I have had is missing doing mission work and realizing that where I am today is my mission field. I went through an intense 15 month program to get my RN license and degree. Since then I have gotten married and had a baby... leaving little time for going to Mexico... I became a nurse to be able to dedicate some of my time helping people who cannot afford medical help and eventually one day I hope to be able to go to Mexico more full time to work, maybe when we are retired...
I have not had the chance to go since I became a nurse... but the reason that I am writing all of this is to announce that...
This July I am going on a Medical Mission Trip to Mexico!!!
We first heard about a medical mission trip to Pueblo, Mexico (an hour from where I lived) at church a month or so ago and I immediately felt the Holy Spirit telling me that I was supposed to go, but I kept fighting with myself... what about the baby? what about leaving my family for a whole week? what about the cost? what about work? etc... But I know that the Lord has the situation under control and that this is something I am supposed to do, He will provide the answers. My mom is going also, it is a passion of hers too, which makes it more comfortable to me, because it is impossible for Bryan to be able to take that much time off of work on top of our other vacations this summer, so my mom is my definite second choice to go with.
So I ask all of you for prayer even this far in advance because I am a nervous mother already beginning to worry about who will take care of my family while I am out of the country for a week... but I keep reminding myself of Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I am so excited to get to go and cannot wait to see what the Lord does that week in Mexico.
Missions + Mexico = my passion
Now... obviously my family is a huge passion in my life. But I really believe that one reason God placed me on this earth to do mission work in Mexico. At least part time for now. I have known this since I was in Jr High although only pieces of the puzzle were made known to me at that time.
My first major in college was pharmacy. My dream was to open a pharmacy in Mexico to help the needy. I worked in the pharmacy on numerous mission trips that my mom and I made to Mexico each summer. I realized quickly after my first semester of college that Pharmacy is NOT what I wanted to do, but I had all of these biology and medical classes that were going to waste... until God revealed to me the next part of his plan, that I was made to be a nurse. My mom was a nurse (still is, but now a Nurse Practitioner) and I had never even considered it. So I moved home to go to nursing school and tada here we are today... sorta.
A huge struggle I have had is missing doing mission work and realizing that where I am today is my mission field. I went through an intense 15 month program to get my RN license and degree. Since then I have gotten married and had a baby... leaving little time for going to Mexico... I became a nurse to be able to dedicate some of my time helping people who cannot afford medical help and eventually one day I hope to be able to go to Mexico more full time to work, maybe when we are retired...
I have not had the chance to go since I became a nurse... but the reason that I am writing all of this is to announce that...
This July I am going on a Medical Mission Trip to Mexico!!!
We first heard about a medical mission trip to Pueblo, Mexico (an hour from where I lived) at church a month or so ago and I immediately felt the Holy Spirit telling me that I was supposed to go, but I kept fighting with myself... what about the baby? what about leaving my family for a whole week? what about the cost? what about work? etc... But I know that the Lord has the situation under control and that this is something I am supposed to do, He will provide the answers. My mom is going also, it is a passion of hers too, which makes it more comfortable to me, because it is impossible for Bryan to be able to take that much time off of work on top of our other vacations this summer, so my mom is my definite second choice to go with.
So I ask all of you for prayer even this far in advance because I am a nervous mother already beginning to worry about who will take care of my family while I am out of the country for a week... but I keep reminding myself of Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I am so excited to get to go and cannot wait to see what the Lord does that week in Mexico.
Hi Jenna,.. i am so happy to read this post. It is the first time I read your blog. You dont know how important it is to me to know someone that still cares for MEXICO. Please send me an email, I live in Mexico, in the border Mex/USA... MONICA
ReplyDeleteHow exciting!! I have never been on a mission trip, but it is a dream of mine! What an amazing opportunity this is for you. God will take care of your sweet family while you are away (and you as well!). I will be praying!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing about what God is showing you with TV shows and junk in your life right now. This is something that I am currently struggling with and making changes.. I just finished reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. He asked "What do you want to be doing when Jesus comes back?" Definitely NOT watching junk on Tv or reading silly magazines! It's nice to know that we do not have to go through these challenges alone. thanks again for sharing! :)
Hey Jenna!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I love being able to keep up with you and your sweet family even though it's been forever since I've seen you.
I love this post and I love how God has been working in your heart. Trusting God and not worrying about the "little things" can be hard. But if God calls you to do something, He is big enough to take care of all the details.
I will be praying for you and for your family. Continue to let God use you. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for you!