
A fun craft, a recipe and some new hudson pictures

So I have worked the past couple of days and was really wanting to be crafty today... I read a DIY on life (simple) life's blog and it was SO cute that I had to try it. So I took my booty to Hobby Lobby, stocked up on some new supplies and got crafting.

Here are the pictures of the night light that I made for Hudson's nursery today.

 plugged in

In his nursery

You can make one for yourself by clicking here.

Also, I made my frappaccinos today for me and Bryan. Sugar Free and UNDER 100 Calories... they were so good and you couldn't even tell the difference.

-Freeze 2 cups of strong coffee in an ice cube tray.
-Take 8 of those cubes plus 8 regular cubes of ice and place in a blender with 1/2 c. skim milk, 1/3 c SF chocolate syrup, and 2 TBSP splenda.
-Blend until smooth.
-Pour into two glasses, top with whip cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup if so desired. DELISH!
makes two servings!

I will leave you today with some new pictures of a pretty cute boy...

 mmm... carrots
 hey mom, im just coastin...
 love from my sister...
brushing up on his driving skills.... and sitting up like a pro!


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