I went over budget this week for the month but I had two trips that I was really proud of! I had to get the rest of the stuff to get ready for my surgery and ended up spending just under $300 for the month, so I am pretty proud of that and it gives me something to beat next month!
At Walgreens I spent $1.47 on everything pictured above... I got such a great deal on the baby Advil and I got the candy for mere pennies! 12 rolls of TP for $3 before RR. I did use a $5 RR from a previous transaction to get my total down so low, but it was still a great deal.
At Wal-Mart I spent $16.44 on everything pictured above, no coupons. I had issues with my sour cream this week, I got this new sour cream from kraft and both times it was molded so I had to go with good ol' Daisy brand... it was a bummer but I did email them about it and they are sending me a reimbursement check in the mail to make up for it too...
My baby boy started Mother's Day Out this week and I attempted to snap some pictures of him but he wanted nothing to do with it... so here is what I got.
so interested in the other kids |
this is his "leave me alone, mom" face |
wasn't sad for me to leave at all |
So that is my Monday update... I don't have an exact grocery total but I know it was somewhere close to $300. This week starts a new week with the budget!
Another exciting thing that I have to share is that Angie Smith's new book,
What Women Fear, is on sale for 50% off today at Barnes and Noble online! If you pre-order it today you can also get entered into a drawing for one of two prize packages from B & H. I pre-ordered mine at 3 AM when I was awake in my knee fog. Click on the above link to go to Angie's blog post about this awesome deal! If you don't know her or haven't read any of her books, you should. Her first book, I Will Carry You, changed my life. She is an incredible writer and speaker. I talk about her first book in this
post! Please take my word for it and read her books, you won't regret it!
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