Bryan and I have been eating a mostly Paleo diet for the last two weeks... and I feel awesome. If you haven't ever heard of the Paleo diet, it consists mostly of fruits, veggies and lean meats. It cuts out all sugars, grains and dairy. I ate gluten free while I was pregnant with Hudson and have been wanting to do it again, and this is the perfect way to rope get my husband to eat a GF/paleo diet with me. The nice thing is that with Paleo we get three free meals a week so we can go out and enjoy our other not so healthy foods every once in a while. I am letting Hudson eat the last of the crackers in the house and then he is going GF too. There are so many benefits to going gluten free and I have such a big family history of Celiac disease (my mom and grandma both have it), I think it is just a better way for our family to eat.
I know that it has stuck with me for this reason... this week at Target Smart Ones are on sale and then there are two awesome coupons that you can get 10 for like $6. I take Smart Ones for lunch... after looking at them all of the "cheaper" ones were pastas that were covered in cheese and had more calories. The ones for 75 cents more had the lean protein with veggies for just at 200 calories... so yes, I paid more and got 10 for $13, but they are mostly Paleo, and something that I will feel better about putting in my body. That is still a great price for a lunch anyways!
I have put myself on a grocery budget of $300 dollars a month. It is the 11th and I have like $40 left. So I may be readjusting my budget a bit, ha! Eating healthier is more expensive! I do have some yummy recipes to start sharing though!!
For your viewing pleasure... here is my little cowboy-- he is getting SO big!
I am slowly getting all of my posts written that are just jumbled up in my head right now! Stay tuned for more!
I know that it has stuck with me for this reason... this week at Target Smart Ones are on sale and then there are two awesome coupons that you can get 10 for like $6. I take Smart Ones for lunch... after looking at them all of the "cheaper" ones were pastas that were covered in cheese and had more calories. The ones for 75 cents more had the lean protein with veggies for just at 200 calories... so yes, I paid more and got 10 for $13, but they are mostly Paleo, and something that I will feel better about putting in my body. That is still a great price for a lunch anyways!
I have put myself on a grocery budget of $300 dollars a month. It is the 11th and I have like $40 left. So I may be readjusting my budget a bit, ha! Eating healthier is more expensive! I do have some yummy recipes to start sharing though!!
For your viewing pleasure... here is my little cowboy-- he is getting SO big!
I am slowly getting all of my posts written that are just jumbled up in my head right now! Stay tuned for more!
I have several friends doing Paleo. I'd love to hear more about it!