I've mentioned this before, but I have a very special group of girl friends. We are in a small group together with our husbands and we all have kids around the same age and we really just click. Having a close group of Christian girl friends is something that I have prayed for for a long time and the Lord has provided! It is usually the highlight of my week to chat with them on Monday nights and during our play dates (which are the craziest things ever with usually 5 adults and 10+ kids under 5).
Which leads us to a few weekends ago when my friends and I threw our friend Katy a special baby shower/ sip'n'see for her third precious baby, Deacon Cole. It was one of my first showers to really help with and we had such a good time. We went with a blue and brown, trucks and cars theme. Here are some pictures of our fun night!
Deacon Cole himself, I think he was 8ish wks here... Katy might have to correct me! |
Katy opening presents! |
We have two other pregnant friends in our group who are due this summer, so I am sure we are going to get REALLY good at having baby showers. My camera died while Katy was opening presents so I didn't get a picture of all of us, but we had a really good time!
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