
33/34 Weeks!

I have been absolutely awful at blogging lately and I really don't have a good excuse except that I am just worn out and tired ALL the time...

33.5 weeks

One of my cute boy for good measure

Bags are being packed... thinking about doing a what to take to the hospital post later!

I have been doing a LOT of this... laying on the couch.
How Far Along: 34w3d today!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a large cantelope (19-22 inches, 5.5 lbs according to baby center)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up about 17 lbs total, I actually had lost 2 lbs at my appt yesterday
Maternity Clothes: Yes and sweat pants
Gender: Sweet baby boy, Rhett Joseph.
  Movement: A ton, but he is getting big enough that it is slowing down some.
Sleep: The last few nights I have slept like a baby, I think because I am wearing myself out during the day.
What I miss: sleeping comfortably, walking comfortably, sitting comfortably
  Cravings: Special K with Red Berries. I go through a box every 2-3 days. I have been having to force myself to eat because nothing sounds good and I get full really fast.
Symptoms: back pain, leg pain, foot pain... ha
Best Movement this week: Saw my OB yesterday and she is very glad we made it to 34 weeks. She said its a longer than she thought we would make it considering all of the issues I have had. My blood pressure has been perfect and at this point in my pregnancy with Hudson I was put on bed rest because of high BP. I am not dilating yet, but I am staring my weekly appointments now so maybe we will see some progress by next week. My guess is that he will come at 37/38 (first week of March) weeks and be around 8 lbs. 
His nursery is ALMOST done, I will post pictures sometime this week!


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