Iced Mochas and 35 weeks!
Y'all. I am OBSESSED with iced mochas. My roommate in college worked at Starbucks and I still give her props on making the very best iced mochas. She would bring them to me after work and the last few weeks I have been craving one of her iced mochas (the reg starbucks ones haven't been cutting it) and a big iced sugar cookie (which she also used to bring me).
So Hudson and I made Valentines Sugar Cookies this week (YES, to satisfy my cravings... but I will note that we did take some to our family so I didn't eat all two dozen by myself).
And this morning I made an ALMOST perfect iced mocha... so I thought I would share the recipe.
Iced Mocha (adapted from Coffee and Tea Warehouse)
1 1/2 c. boiling hot water
2 Starbucks single serving instant coffee packets
3 tbsp. brown sugar
3 tbsp. chocolate syrup (I used homemade from THIS recipe)
Mix first 4 ingredients and then cool in fridge or freezer (mine was room temp in the freezer in like 10 min.)
I then poured that mixture into a big cup (pictured above) and added about 1/2 c. of milk and 1 c. ice.
And it was delish! I am not claiming that this is healthy by any means, I still have a few more weeks to indulge before Rhett arrives, but I think it would be fine with the splenda brown sugar and low cal. choc syrup too.
...and now onto my 35 weeks post...
Making Sugar Cookies |
Took cookies to G-ma and Aunt Do at work... |
So Hudson and I made Valentines Sugar Cookies this week (YES, to satisfy my cravings... but I will note that we did take some to our family so I didn't eat all two dozen by myself).
And this morning I made an ALMOST perfect iced mocha... so I thought I would share the recipe.
Iced Mocha (adapted from Coffee and Tea Warehouse)
1 1/2 c. boiling hot water
2 Starbucks single serving instant coffee packets
3 tbsp. brown sugar
3 tbsp. chocolate syrup (I used homemade from THIS recipe)
Mix first 4 ingredients and then cool in fridge or freezer (mine was room temp in the freezer in like 10 min.)
I then poured that mixture into a big cup (pictured above) and added about 1/2 c. of milk and 1 c. ice.
And it was delish! I am not claiming that this is healthy by any means, I still have a few more weeks to indulge before Rhett arrives, but I think it would be fine with the splenda brown sugar and low cal. choc syrup too.
...and now onto my 35 weeks post...
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35 weeks! |
How Far Along: 35 weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a honey dew melon (19-22 inches, 5.5 lbs according to baby center)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up about 19 lbs total
Maternity Clothes: Yes and sweat pants
Gender: Sweet baby boy, Rhett Joseph.
Movement: A ton, but he is getting big enough that it is slowing down some.
Sleep: basically not sleeping
What I miss: sleeping comfortably, walking comfortably, sitting comfortably
Cravings: As I mentioned above, sugar cookies and iced mochas
Symptoms: general achy-ness, super tired
Best Moment this week: knowing that we've made it far enough that he can come safely at anytime!
I have been having contractions like crazy and saw my doctor for my regular appointment last Tuesday. Everything was fine, I wasn't dilating or having contractions at that time. Thursday around noon I started having contractions and some leaking of fluid. So I called my doctor's office and they wanted me to come in and be monitored. Bryan and I headed down to f-town with bags in tow (just in case) and we saw the doctor on call because my doctor was out of the office. I still wasn't dilating and they checked the fluid and it came back negative for amniotic fluid. They put me on the monitor to monitor Rhett's heartbeat and my contractions and of course I had ZERO contractions for the 45 minutes I was on the monitor. Rhett looked great so they sent us home and told me to call if they didn't get better over night. I continued to have contractions about every 12-15 minutes until about 11:30 pm that night... so I called and talked to my doctor's nurse the next day and they told me to take it easy over the weekend and that I needed to come back and see her on Tuesday to decide if I could go back to work. So that is where we are at right now, I have felt pretty good this weekend so we will see what she says on Tuesday! I will update after my appointment Tuesday. It is crazy for me to think that I was only a week and a half away from having Hudson at this point in my pregnancy with him... hoping that Rhett follows suit.
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B and I waiting at the OB :-) Love this man! |
So close, almost there;) If you have a moment, come on over to and check out our baby week wrap-up, lots of great posts and giveaways!