
Huge Savings!

I came home with an AWESOME haul from Target yesterday. If you have time before Sunday, you need to go and stock up on cleaning supplies with the $10/$40 coupon in the Ad this week. I don't have time to detail out my savings, but my total before coupons was $150, I used 21 coupons... and my total paid was $84.39 and I got back a $5 gift card which equals about a 47% savings. I planned and planned this trip and went kid-less. We are now stocked up on cleaning supplies for the rest of the year.
And of course I can't post without a cute picture of my babies. Today is our first day without daddy home with us. On our agenda-- taking Rhett to the doctor. I'll try to post with his stats later!!


  1. They are so cute! You did an amazing job on the deals I wish there was a Target around here:(


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