Happy 3rd Birthday, Hudson!
My baby boy turned 3 last week. You can read all about his birthday party here. This post is for him.
Hudson Charles,
Where to even begin? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding you in my arms for the first time. The first night home with you I was scared to death, you were crying and we didn't know what to do. I feel like it should still be you that is learning to sit up and trying to crawl... but instead you're jumping off of the tables and running everywhere you go. Everyone told me that time would go by so fast, and they were right. Daddy and I love the stage that you are in. We say that about every stage but you are getting so much easier. You are completely potty trained as of about a month ago, you dress yourself and can even get your own water from the fridge. You are speaking in full on sentences. It amazes us the things you say. You've also started listening in on our conversations so we have to be careful what we say around you sometimes. You are just an absolute joy and light in our lives.
When Daddy and I found out about you I was scared to death. I will never forget Jan 16th 2010. The day we found out you were coming. I knew nothing about what it meant to be a momma. I wasn't ready. But God knew we needed you then... and little did we know why.
You are a therapy child. That sounds weird but let me explain. We have been dealt our fair share of hardships in the three years you have been here with us. Your G-Ma was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer when you were 17 months old. God knew that we needed you to be our "out" on the hard days. G-Pa needed a new buddy, a best friend, a way to de-stress. You make everyone SO happy and even on the hardest of days, when we are so sad, you bring light into our lives. G-Ma loves you so much and teaches you lots of things. She is still fighting a good fight, with God on her side, and we are so thankful for that. God knew we needed you here.
Then, when you were a little over 2, Grandpa Joe was diagnosed with advanced Pancreatic Cancer. It rocked our family. He passed away exactly a month after his diagnosis. Your Pa was so sad. But God knew we needed you. You are Pa's little buddy and new fishing partner. You make him so happy, and make his sad days so much better. Our other favorite thing to do it take Grammy a sonic drink at work. You think it is pretty special that she is a "doctor".
You have the most tender heart. If you see me crying you always try to make me laugh. You're just like your daddy in that sense. I think you've been therapy for daddy too. He lost his daddy when he was just a little boy, and being with you fills that void. God knew we needed you.
So... while you came a little earlier than Mommy was planning. I can already see that God had a plan for your life. You bring so much joy to all of us. You are so funny, smart and at times wild, but I love that about you. You love your baby brother so much and you share all of your toys with him. I can already tell you are going to be a great big brother to Rhett. I love watching you together.
Hudson Charles, YOU are MY sunshine. Like I sing to you every night. God is using you already, even though you don't know it. You are my pride and joy. I can't wait to see the mighty things the Lord has in store for you.
I love you to the sun and back and the moon and back and the stars and back.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."-Joshua 1:9
Hudson Charles,
Where to even begin? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding you in my arms for the first time. The first night home with you I was scared to death, you were crying and we didn't know what to do. I feel like it should still be you that is learning to sit up and trying to crawl... but instead you're jumping off of the tables and running everywhere you go. Everyone told me that time would go by so fast, and they were right. Daddy and I love the stage that you are in. We say that about every stage but you are getting so much easier. You are completely potty trained as of about a month ago, you dress yourself and can even get your own water from the fridge. You are speaking in full on sentences. It amazes us the things you say. You've also started listening in on our conversations so we have to be careful what we say around you sometimes. You are just an absolute joy and light in our lives.
When Daddy and I found out about you I was scared to death. I will never forget Jan 16th 2010. The day we found out you were coming. I knew nothing about what it meant to be a momma. I wasn't ready. But God knew we needed you then... and little did we know why.
You are a therapy child. That sounds weird but let me explain. We have been dealt our fair share of hardships in the three years you have been here with us. Your G-Ma was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer when you were 17 months old. God knew that we needed you to be our "out" on the hard days. G-Pa needed a new buddy, a best friend, a way to de-stress. You make everyone SO happy and even on the hardest of days, when we are so sad, you bring light into our lives. G-Ma loves you so much and teaches you lots of things. She is still fighting a good fight, with God on her side, and we are so thankful for that. God knew we needed you here.
Then, when you were a little over 2, Grandpa Joe was diagnosed with advanced Pancreatic Cancer. It rocked our family. He passed away exactly a month after his diagnosis. Your Pa was so sad. But God knew we needed you. You are Pa's little buddy and new fishing partner. You make him so happy, and make his sad days so much better. Our other favorite thing to do it take Grammy a sonic drink at work. You think it is pretty special that she is a "doctor".
You have the most tender heart. If you see me crying you always try to make me laugh. You're just like your daddy in that sense. I think you've been therapy for daddy too. He lost his daddy when he was just a little boy, and being with you fills that void. God knew we needed you.
So... while you came a little earlier than Mommy was planning. I can already see that God had a plan for your life. You bring so much joy to all of us. You are so funny, smart and at times wild, but I love that about you. You love your baby brother so much and you share all of your toys with him. I can already tell you are going to be a great big brother to Rhett. I love watching you together.
Hudson Charles, YOU are MY sunshine. Like I sing to you every night. God is using you already, even though you don't know it. You are my pride and joy. I can't wait to see the mighty things the Lord has in store for you.
I love you to the sun and back and the moon and back and the stars and back.
(39 inches, 32.6 lbs--60th percentile)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."-Joshua 1:9
Praying for your mom and for all of you. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteThis is such a sweet post that I know your little guy will cherish one day. Happy birthday Hudson! You are certainly well loved.
ReplyDeleteI need a tissue, I am so touched by this post. This really touched my heart. You have a sweet little guy. I am so sorry to hear about your parents. God bless you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower and wanted to let you know that I love you blog and nominated as one of my favorites for the Liebster award.
You can check out the details here if you would like to accept :)
I look forward to reading your future post, take care and hope you are having a great week.