
Modern Cloth Diapering Series 6--Flats Challenge

Lisa is back this week with some info on "flats" and a cloth diapering challenge that she will be participating in next week...
4th Annual Flats & Hand Washing Challenge 2014

So I’m totally excited to take the challenge this year. I have quite a few flats on the way and some flour sack towels already in my stash (I will talk more about flat diapers and flour sack towels this week.) I honestly haven’t used a flat diaper so this will be extra challenging, but I am determined to make it! I have hand washed diapers before so I know what I’m getting myself into for that part of the challenge. You can see what the challenge is all about here.
 Flats are the cheapest way to cloth diaper and they are super handy to have as back up diapers because they can be worn alone or pad folded in a pocket diaper.
I will be giving a review of the flats I’m trying after the challenge and will keep a daily journal with the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will also be making a camp style hand washer this week which will be interesting! 
Will you join me in the challenge?

As for me (Jenna), I haven't decided for sure if I am woman enough for the challenge (mainly the hand-washing part), I have ordered some flats and we will see if they make it in time!

Happy Wednesday!


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