
Weekend in Review

We had a very low key weekend... Bryan has been working on our patio for several weeks and we finally gave up on the stain and decided to paint it this weekend. On top of that, Saturday night Hudson started complaining about his ear hurting. He is in this phase where he says his tummy hurts and other stuff to get out of doing things (like going to bed) so I don't always pay 100% attention to it. He came in our room crying at 2 AM that his ear was hurting and that is when I knew he was serious. Sunday morning Rhett woke up running a low grade fever. His top two teeth are finally popping in and Hudson woke up feeling okay. He started complaining about the "inside" of his ear hurting and I decided to take him to the walk in clinic. About 5 minutes later he started vomiting so we got in the car with our Tupperware bucket in tow to go to the walk in clinic and the early Sunday one had closed. It was awesome (not), Hudson was barfing in the car and crying and asking when we would be at the doctor. I didn't know of any others that opened before noon so we came back home and went at noon. He did have a double ear infection, poor guy.
I'll share a picture when it's done
Our fun car ride, thankful daddy was with us
Finally made it to be seen!
On Friday I started doing some research about whole foods, organics and clean eating. I watched "Food, Inc." and it changed my whole idea about the way we are eating. I am still learning what all of the different labels mean but we are changing the way we eat. We are in the process of trying to buy a cow to split for meat because more than anything that is what was a major game changer. This will be difficult for my frugal ways but I want to do the best thing for my body and for my family, plus I figure I will save money by not eating out or buying the processed crap. I have been eating a lot less gluten and NO processed junk, including sugar, for almost a week and I already feel so much better. I hope it shows up on my weigh in on Thursday. I will have more thoughts on this later and tell you exactly what I am buying and what we are eating but I am still trying to figure it out and I am purging my cabinets of crap and taking it to the food bank. I am going to go 100% Gluten Free and so are my boys. They both have tummy problems and I am hoping this will change things. We are taking the transition slowly though.

Here are some ideas about what we've been eating...

Saturday Dinner: Chicken and Avocado Lettuce wraps with fresh Pineapple
(Mash 1 Avocado with some lemon or lime juice. mix in 1 grilled and chopped chicken breast, 1/4 chopped onion, 2 tbsp. chopped bell pepper and a pinch of chopped jalapeno. Season as desired. It made enough for four lettuce wraps.)
Saturday Lunch: Salmon Burgers with Chipotle Ranch--made with greek yogurt (This is Bryan's, I ate mine "bun-less") with homemade sweet potato fries and sparkling water (I am finally over Diet Coke. Sparkling water rocks!).

Last night I took the boys for a jog in the jogging stroller and ate Weight Watcher's zero point veggie soup and a "healthy" grilled cheese. I am proud of myself because Bryan and Hudson ate pizza (CPK Margarita, so not horrible for you) but I still stuck to my diet.

So on this rainy Monday, the boys and I are taking it easy and recouping. I am hoping to clean out all the closets this week and my kitchen cabinets. They're driving me crazy. Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. I'll have to try the sparkling water. I always want something other than water with my lunch but I'm starting to realize if I drink a coke at lunch I feel awful the rest of the afternoon.

  2. Yaaaaaay!!!! I'm so proud of you! You'll have ups and downs and times you feel on top of the world and times you wanna say SCREW IT! And stuff your face with Chik-fil-a....but I really believe there is a breaking point where you make a life-sized decision to be a healthy, whole person. Of course it's always spirit first, but purifying what you put in your body is so so crucial. I'm SO proud and very very excited for you!!

    Ps you'll be shocked at how rarely your family gets sick!

  3. Don't believe everything you see in Food Inc. I grew up on a family farm and have two degrees in agriculture. I certainly wouldn't describe it as an accurate portrayal of the U.S. food system. If you want to learn more about the U.S. meat supply, this is a great (and free!) course --

  4. It's not just my child who always says their belly hurts?!? This is driving me crazy!! I feel like she's the girl who cried wolf!

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  6. You go girl! I'm a reader and was thinking of you through your $20 challenge. We've shopped organic for the last 5 years (my husband wanted to make a lifestyle change after having a few scares) and we manage to make it affordable. I buy mostly frozen veggies and shop once a week with a strict list; my family seems to get a lot of benefits form it. Good luck and bravo for trying! -Kristy


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