Hot Shot® "Don't Let Bugs Feel At Home
Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a fan of creepy crawly things. I dislike spiders and bugs VERY much.
As a teenager, if I saw a spider in my room, I would start screaming and my brother would show up in seconds armed to kill it. Our system worked out great until I got married and now I ONLY happen to see spiders and creepy things when Bryan is at work so I have to be the brave one to deal with them... except the time that I showed a cricket that was bouncing around in my house to my 60 lb lab, Molly. She took care of that one for me. I also really don't like ants, roaches or anything else living other than my family, our two labs and our beta fish inside my home... they can find their way elsewhere as far as I am concerned.
Spiders and creepy, crawly things, part of life, right? It's so much about this time of year. They want to get inside to the warmth, I mean I can't really blame them. Want to know how I have previously dealt with spiders? I've been known to vacuum them up, and then that just freaks me out more when I have to empty the vacuum. I needed a better solution.
So I am loving Hot Shot® Insecticides. I needed something quick and easy to use that wasn't going to create a problem for me in the future (aka vacuuming). Hot Shot® Insecticides can help get your house ready for the fall/holiday season guests – and free of unwanted pests. Hot Shot® Insecticides kills on contact making my stress level decrease quickly! Last year there was a Black Widow on one of Hudson's toys. I captured it and left it in the container until Bryan got home, I wish I would have had Hot Shot® Insecticides then.
I am also loving their campaign slogan, "Don't let bugs feel at home"... because Ewwwww, I don't want any yucky bugs bugging my boys (haha no pun intended ;)).
If you're needing a quick and easy solution for pest control, you should check out Hot Shot® Insecticides. You can also like Hot Shot® Insecticides on Facebook for tips & contests.
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