
The rest of what has happened the last week...

So I updated with our major news about the house, but now for some minor news.

We had a play date. I love playdates with our friends. Even though the house looks like a tornado hits it afterwards, it's great momma time for me to be with my friends and so fun for the kids!

Hudson, Brynlee and Aubrey
I start week two of 21 day fix today. On day 5, I weighed at WW again and below are my stats.

I am now a FIRM believer that it works! I did my one week measurements yesterday and am down an inch all over, and an inch and a half on my waist. 9.5 inches over all! I am so excited that I finally buckled down and did it and I'm excited for week two! I'd love to send you more info on it because I've got another group starting after Christmas you could join!

I've got some Shakeology Packets if anyone is wanting to try some. Email me for details too. Below is my newest recipe. It was double delish!
Newest Shakeology Recipe, Super YUMMY!
I went shopping on Wednesday and got some new all outfits. I was so excited that I fit in to a size 30 jean. That hasn't happened in forever. Also I got a blanket scarf, I'm in love.

Applied some more Jamberry Nails! Love love love love love them. Times a million. My party is still open until Wednesday if you're wanting to order. I love how cute and festive these are! (Ps Bryan made fun of me for taking this "claw" picture). Here is the link to the party.
Oh and I got our family pictures that my friend Katie took. Here are a few of my favorites...

That's it for now! Happiest of Mondays to you all! Home inspection day here! :)


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