Rhett Turns Two.
Two years ago this evening at 10:28 PM my sweet Rhett Joseph came into the world super bright-eyed and as the tiniest little human I had ever seen weighing in at 5 lbs and 12 oz.
I knew my life would change by adding him to our family, but little did I know how perfectly he would fit with us. And while I love both of my children equally, I love them so differently. With Hudson, I had parenting down. He is my rule-follower and typical first born. He is organized and likes schedule and to know what's going on- he is very much like me. Then God gave us Rhett, a mini replica of Bryan, and threw me off my high horse pretty darn quickly. I don't know ANYTHING about parenting kids who think that "NO" is a challenge and not a command, but I am learning.
Rhett is my fireball. He is often referred to as our "terrorist" because he leaves destruction wherever he goes. I can't let him out of my sight unless he is contained. He is also so hilarious and the cutest thing I've even seen (I might be a tad biased). Bryan and I often sit and stare at him and wonder how we got the cutest baby ever-- and I often thank God that he is cute, because I think it's going to get him out of a lot of trouble in the future.
He loves his momma and daddy. He is our snuggler. He isn't fond of being left, but we are working on that. He also loves his big brother. I tell Hudson probably 10x a day that he is being watched because Rhett follows him around and wants to do exactly what Hudson is doing. They're just now getting to the stage of fighting over toys, etc. but also starting to play good together some. I love seeing that.
He had 2 year check up on Monday. He weighs 25 lbs and is still pretty small for his age (10th percentile for weight and 5th for height) but our doctor said because he has stayed consistent on the growth chart- and that since neither Bryan or I are very big/tall people- it's not concerning at all. He's in mostly 18 month stuff right now. We still cloth diaper almost exclusively but this move has made me take a break for awhile- he is in size 4 diapers- and getting Mickey Mouse underwear for his birthday which means potty training is coming soon!
His favorite things are his paci, B (blanket), doggie (stuffed animal), firetrucks, Mickey Mouse Club house and Bubble Guppies. He also LOVES all things "Little People" we have practically the whole village-- he calls them "people" when he wants to play.
He is a particular eater but not really picky. He could survive on peanut butter crackers and gogurts (and some days that's all he eats, I remember Hudson going through this phase). But then sometimes he surprises us and wants to eat Salmon and Quinoa... oh and of course he loves my Shakeology.
He talks up a storm. He tells us things are "stuck" and has started forming sentences. This morning he brought Bryan crackers and said "Daddy crackers please". He also says "Love you" and melts my heart all the time. He calls himself either "baby" or "rhetty" because that's what we call him, so cute. He really loves his family- His "mammy" and "pa", "p-pa", "doe", "jeda", "bob"...
My Sweet Rhetty Joe,
I love every sweet day with you. From the first "MOOOOMMA" from your crib in the morning to "night, night" and "love you" at night. I love how you sprint around the house and giggle 24/7. I love that you want me to hold you all the time and I love that you like to snuggle and hold my hand. I love seeing those little chunky fingers and know that one day you'll be a strong man like your daddy, and I want to cherish these days for as long as I can. You're going to be a hard one for mom and dad to discipline but you're also teaching us patience and each day through you I can see how God loves and disciplines us. I love your funny personality and that you love to make us laugh. You have perfected our family in a way I couldn't have imagined and I can't believe that your little 4 lb 15 oz body that came home from the hospital with us is now turning into a little boy. You are my pride and joy. I pray that God use your energy to further his kingdom in mighty ways... I can see you being a daring adventurer doing the Lord's work one day and I know as a momma that will be hard for me but I continue to pray your life verse over your little body as you grow.
"Be on your Guard. Stand Firm in the faith. Be a man of Courage. Be strong. Do everything in love."-1 Corinthians 16:13-14
So my dear baby Rhett, on your second birthday, I want you to know how much Daddy and I love you and we are so proud to be your parents. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures you take us on this next year.
I knew my life would change by adding him to our family, but little did I know how perfectly he would fit with us. And while I love both of my children equally, I love them so differently. With Hudson, I had parenting down. He is my rule-follower and typical first born. He is organized and likes schedule and to know what's going on- he is very much like me. Then God gave us Rhett, a mini replica of Bryan, and threw me off my high horse pretty darn quickly. I don't know ANYTHING about parenting kids who think that "NO" is a challenge and not a command, but I am learning.
Rhett is my fireball. He is often referred to as our "terrorist" because he leaves destruction wherever he goes. I can't let him out of my sight unless he is contained. He is also so hilarious and the cutest thing I've even seen (I might be a tad biased). Bryan and I often sit and stare at him and wonder how we got the cutest baby ever-- and I often thank God that he is cute, because I think it's going to get him out of a lot of trouble in the future.
He loves his momma and daddy. He is our snuggler. He isn't fond of being left, but we are working on that. He also loves his big brother. I tell Hudson probably 10x a day that he is being watched because Rhett follows him around and wants to do exactly what Hudson is doing. They're just now getting to the stage of fighting over toys, etc. but also starting to play good together some. I love seeing that.
He had 2 year check up on Monday. He weighs 25 lbs and is still pretty small for his age (10th percentile for weight and 5th for height) but our doctor said because he has stayed consistent on the growth chart- and that since neither Bryan or I are very big/tall people- it's not concerning at all. He's in mostly 18 month stuff right now. We still cloth diaper almost exclusively but this move has made me take a break for awhile- he is in size 4 diapers- and getting Mickey Mouse underwear for his birthday which means potty training is coming soon!
His favorite things are his paci, B (blanket), doggie (stuffed animal), firetrucks, Mickey Mouse Club house and Bubble Guppies. He also LOVES all things "Little People" we have practically the whole village-- he calls them "people" when he wants to play.
He is a particular eater but not really picky. He could survive on peanut butter crackers and gogurts (and some days that's all he eats, I remember Hudson going through this phase). But then sometimes he surprises us and wants to eat Salmon and Quinoa... oh and of course he loves my Shakeology.
Daddy's Mini Me |
My Sweet Rhetty Joe,
I love every sweet day with you. From the first "MOOOOMMA" from your crib in the morning to "night, night" and "love you" at night. I love how you sprint around the house and giggle 24/7. I love that you want me to hold you all the time and I love that you like to snuggle and hold my hand. I love seeing those little chunky fingers and know that one day you'll be a strong man like your daddy, and I want to cherish these days for as long as I can. You're going to be a hard one for mom and dad to discipline but you're also teaching us patience and each day through you I can see how God loves and disciplines us. I love your funny personality and that you love to make us laugh. You have perfected our family in a way I couldn't have imagined and I can't believe that your little 4 lb 15 oz body that came home from the hospital with us is now turning into a little boy. You are my pride and joy. I pray that God use your energy to further his kingdom in mighty ways... I can see you being a daring adventurer doing the Lord's work one day and I know as a momma that will be hard for me but I continue to pray your life verse over your little body as you grow.
"Be on your Guard. Stand Firm in the faith. Be a man of Courage. Be strong. Do everything in love."-1 Corinthians 16:13-14
So my dear baby Rhett, on your second birthday, I want you to know how much Daddy and I love you and we are so proud to be your parents. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures you take us on this next year.
Happy Birthday, Rhett! Love his name! That last pic of the two of you- BEAUTIFUL!
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