
Bowling, Surprise Wedding and A Sad Goodbye-- Weekend In Review.

We had a fabulous (VERY BUSY) weekend. We were supposed to go to the ball game on Friday night but it was a torrential downpour so we ended up going bowling with the all of my family who has been in town instead. It was really fun! I was so excited to wear my new baseball shirt... but so it goes...

Hudson and Daddy rode go-karts too and it was WAY past Rhett's bedtime so Grammy loved on him for awhile...
Saturday morning we went downtown to the Farmers Market. Blueberries are in season and probably our local fresh blueberries are my favorite thing ever. Love our "little" big town.
Saturday for lunch I made another one of the Hello Fresh meals. It was shrimp salad on brioche rolls with a side salad and OH MY GOSH it was so good. Maybe my favorite yet-- I keep saying that-- but SO good. Bryan loved it too. If you want to try a box for $40 off hop over here and use my code-- 64C7H9 and you'll get a box of 3 meals for two for less than $30. 
Saturday night we had an "engagement party" which actually was a "Surprise Wedding". I was in on the surprise because Bryan did the pictures (he came out of photography retirement one last time for our friend!) . We had a lot of fun and the wedding was so beautiful! Congrats to Doug and Nikki!
Rocks box sent me my jewelry. I sent the a picture of the dress I thought I was wearing and they hooked me up with a ring, super pretty necklace and a bracelet. It ended up being super chilly outside so I didn't wear that dress but I did end up wearing the jewelry with my outfit! So nice to "borrow" it and send it back. Excited to see what pieces I get next! You can still get a box for free HERE with my code: jennabuettemeyerxoxo

My friend Katie was Bryan's second shooter so we got to hang out! It was fun to chat sans kids for awhile!

Sunday morning we got up bright and early to help Jordan and David load their moving truck and say goodbye. They're moving to a little town four hours from us and we will miss them so much! Then we went to pick Hudson up and say goodbye to my family who had been here all week-- sad to see them go too.

The rest of the day we really just hung out. Bryan had to go do a bunch of random stuff so the boys and I played outside and watched a movie. Then everyone (Bryan and the boys) took good naps.
Bryan telling Hudson his bedtime story!
We really did have a good weekend! It flew by and was so busy so I'm glad to have a down day today to catch up on laundry and just take it easy!

Also, I've got two boxes of Shakeology samples that just came-- I'd love to hook you up with some. They're 3/$18 shipped or 7/$40 shipped. If you've been wanting to try it, this is a good time!! Email me for details. It's first come first serve and they usually go pretty quickly!

Hope you're having a happy Monday!


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