Weekend In Review- Bad Day, Lake Day and CIZE!
First of all-- thanks SO much for all of the kind words and prayers for my family and my dad. He went for a follow up on Thursday. He won't have another surgery for another few months and then the scans and radiation will start after that. So basically a waiting game. It's been a scary/emotional week for me and your well wishes have lifted my spirits!
Also thanks for the congratulations on Tony's wedding. We are excited to add CJ to our family... they're off on their honeymoon right now!
So Friday started interestingly... I always hop on and check our bank accounts in the morning and I noticed an odd charge for BestBuy.com... and yes... my debit card had been stolen. UGH! I spent two hours on the phone with them getting it all straightened out and went to pick up Hudson and run errands... and at our first errand Hudson threw up all over the floor by the Walmart deli counter. Glorious. Needless to say, Friday just wasn't my day... I wore my "Choose Joy" shirt anyways and powered through.
Saturday I made this Whole30 Breakfast Frittata. It was super yummy. Then we headed out to spend the day at the lake with my parents.
BeachBody Summit was in Nashville last week and I was so sad that I didn't get to go but I did live steam the workout on Saturday morning with all of the celebrity trainers. Loved it.
I saw this on Instagram this weekend and basically it's exactly what I want for my life. I'm working on it... now to find out who to talk to at LuluLemon :)
Sunday we went to church and then just had a lazy day at home. I went with a little bohemian look... love creating new outfits from things in my closet.
Last night I had a Zoom team call with my leaders. I love getting to "see" them even though we're all over the United States. These girls are amazing and I am so grateful to have them on Team Joyfully Fit. I really have the best job ever.
I also meal prepped for the week. Whole30 Day 8 today and feeling amazing! This is one of my favorite tips because Bryan and I go through a lot of chicken!
And very last but not least... BeachBody just released a BRAND NEW PROGRAM!!!!!
This is one of my up line coaches and her Cize Results! This program is literally for ANY fitness level and especially for people who HATE exercise.
You can join our test group starting in August. Email me for details.
Happy Monday.

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