
What's Up Wednesday

So the reality of summer has actually set in. My boys are used to being home and wanting to be occupied every second of the day. We've had a few melt downs in the last few days but we are chugging along.
We've play-dated, played outside, played inside, made cookies... and I am super glad we are going on vacation next week because I am out of ideas.

My friend Suz from the IG boutique Southern Sis brought over some clothes for me to try on yesterday. I love love love love love this tank. It's perfection and so true. I kept it and the headband... and several other pieces from her spring/summer collection made their way to my closet. Yikes.
Speaking of clothes... I cleaned out my closet and have a little sale going on on my IG Closet Page. Everything pictured on the page is still available! Go check it out!

The boys and I went to Sam's Club yesterday and these grapes made their way into my life. Um... they're amazing. I said that I wasn't going to share with my boys but I gave them some with their dinner last night and the scarfed them down too. Perfect "candy" swap!
And we had another major meltdown yesterday which ended with both boys on the couch in tears. ALL THE FIGHTING. YIKES. It had been a day yesterday... I texted Bryan this picture and just said "Today is going well."
And then I thought a lot about my time with them and this quote from Jen Hatmaker came back to mind. It's so true... I know my boys will never need me and love me as much as they do today. Hudson goes out of his way to tell me I am pretty and to pick me flowers every chance he gets-- and I love that-- and Rhett wants me to "Hold you" all the time-- and I know it won't always be that way. So while yesterday was a SUPER crazy day and Momma lost her cool a few times.... I laid in bed last night and begged God to continue extending his Grace to me... the Grace that I don't deserve or earn, but that He gives me daily.
And I'm going to try hard to make today a better day for everyone! Happy Wednesday! Hope you're having a super week.


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