New MacBook, First Day of Preschool, Hello Fresh and a Refresh... Weekend In Review!
Hip Hip Hooray! We started Hello Fresh back last week since we were done with Whole30 and I missed it SO much. I made this salad for lunch on Friday and it was so good. Like best salad ever. I love how everything comes prepackaged in little boxes so it's easy to store in the fridge and pull out as you're ready to cook. You can still get $40 off your first box using code 64C7H9!
Friday night we really just had a fun family night. We had a dance party and made cookies together. It was our last week day before school started and the boys and I literally staying in our PJs all day long. It was a really good day.
Also! My early birthday present arrived on Friday... Bryan decided he was tired of sharing computers with me (I guess) and ordered me a Macbook Air! I love it! Rhett was pretty excited about it too!
On Saturday we went on a Jeep ride and Bryan gave me another of my birthday presents early... A new pair of Raybans! I have never ever had expensive sunglasses so I am a little worried about breaking them, but I really like them! He also ordered some knock off ones for the boys that are so cute.
I started 3 Day Refresh this morning. My eating didn't really get better last week and I had a partial 3 Day Refresh sitting in my cabinet waiting to be used... my bestie is doing it too... and it's always easier with a friend! On that same note... it's on sale right now! I'll be doing a post with my results later this week... but usually I lose 4-6 lbs and I love it because you still get Shakeology and real food! Then I'm hoping into a round of 21 day fix eating until I start Whole30 again in a few weeks. I'll be posting my 21 day fix meals too. I love our meal plan, makes it SO easy to follow!
I love my little office. My desk is actually in our formal dining room that we don't use. This is a much better use of space because I can be working while the boys play or whatever in the living room. This weekend I worked on some webinars and a lot of personal development with goal setting. The program I am doing (Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push) has been super good so far. Hoping to crush some goals this year!And today... my boys started preschool!!!! Where has the summer gone? No, actually I was super ready for them to start and they were SO excited too. We love our preschool. It's actually the same school my brother went to 20 years ago... and a lot of the ladies there are like family to us. This picture literally took me 97 tries. Rhett was jumping around like a wild man.
And I had to get one of just my big boy. His very last "first" day of preschool before he starts kindergarten next year. He turns 5 in two weeks and I just don't know where time has gone. I blinked and my baby got so big. I love age 4. He is my little mini me. The other night as they were getting in the bath tub he said "Mommy, You're the best mommy anybody could ever have." So yeah, I think I'll love 5 just as much!
Happy Monday, Loves!

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