Random Thursday!
What have we been up to?
...well the boys had their Pre-school open house yesterday... and I just cannot believe how big they're getting. They start on Monday and are going two days a week and they're both so excited. Hudson has the same teacher he had last year who we adore, so I think it will be a great last year of preschool before he starts Kindergarten (ahhhh...). Also, his best friend basically since they were one, Ethan, is in his class... so basically it's going to be the best year ever.
It was raining and so cool outside yesterday. I put on my comfy clothes and took full advantage of it feeling like fall. It was awesome.
Yesterday, for some odd reason was a super great delivery day. I've got some awesome sponsored posts coming up that I am super excited about and cannot wait to share with you all! But I also got in this new Thirty-One tote that I got for toting around as a "big" boy diaper bag... (and yes I chose cute and girly with my monogram because I'm going to be the one carrying it... and I liked it). I'll have a blog post coming soon with more Thirty-One details and how you can order this super great tote too!
The boys and I are really enjoying our last week before school starts back. We did crafts...
And we've spent time in the kitchen together. My boys LOVE to help me cook! This recipe is from Fixate. I love this cookbook. This soup is SO good. You can check out the cookbook here.
And on that same note, my team is starting a FREE clean eating challenge group on Facebook! You can email me or add me as a friend on Fb and I'll get you added! It's going to be great!
And finally... these ladies... I have to include a shout out because they're all AMAZING women who've made amazing transformations and they're each building amazing teams themselves! This just shows, again, that BeachBody literally changes peoples lives in more ways than one if you commit and STICK to it! And want to know something else awesome-- I met ALL three of these girls through my blog. So if you feel weird emailing me... or don't know what to say-- reach out, I promise I don't bite-- these girls did and look at the difference it's made for them. And now I consider them bffs and I haven't even met Traci IRL yet! SOON!

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