

Hudson Charles-

How is it possible that you are FIVE years old? I'll never forget the night that we found out that we were pregnant with you. I think it might have been the MOST terrifying night of my life. How could I be responsible for another human being? From that moment on, you were the first thing on my mind... how to make sure you were safe, healthy, well cared for, and happy.

As the first born, you've been our "test" subject. You were the one we learned on. And God couldn't have given us a better first born. You are kind and tenderhearted. You always want everyone to be happy. You are thoughtful and such a sweet boy. You have a crazy good memory. You LOVE with all that you have. But you're crazy and wild and 100% boy too.
Your love for Ironman has died down some this last year. You love Legos (which we keep at Pa and Grammy's house), the "baseball Naturals", Disney Infinity with Daddy, Riding your bike, helping Mommy cook and do "doors" (chores). You like to make lists and make cards and pictures for the people you love.
I asked you the following questions and these were your answers...

What makes you happy? When mommy is happy and I am happy too...
What is your favorite animal? A deer
What is your favorite thing to eat? Grammy's donut, G-Pa's cinnamon rolls and deer steak with Pa
What is your favorite thing to do? Play Disney Infinity
What is your favorite TV Show? Ironman
What are you really good at? Helping Daddy play Disney Infinity
What is your favorite movie? Ironman 2
What is your favorite color? Red
What is your favorite song? "I am Ironman" (that G-Pa made up)
Who is your best friend? Ethan
What do you and your mom do together? We pick weeds together and go on hikes
What do you and your dad do together? Ride my bike and wrestle
What is your favorite sport? soccer and baseball
Where is your favorite place to go? Jump zone
What is your favorite book? The "Mommy" book (My Mommy Hung the Moon)
What do you want to be when you grow up? Work at Walmart (at the office where daddy works)
You are such a good big brother to Rhett. He watches everything you do and wants to be just like you. You like to teach him things and take care of him for me. You've also informed us that you're praying for a baby sister... we will see, my love.

You wear size 5T clothes and size T12 shoes. You're still kind of a picky eater but it's getting better. You would eat PB&J for every meal if I would let you. You love fruit and veggies, which cracks me up, because you'll go into the kitchen and come back chomping on an apple. I love it.

You love your daddy. You like to ride bikes, wrestle and play disney infinity with him.
You also really love your grandparents. You spend lots of time with Grammy and Pa and with G-Pa and CJ. We are lucky to have grandparents so close.

And I think you really love your mommy too...
Possibly my favorite thing in the world is every night when I tuck you in and leave your room... you blow me lots of kisses and say "Mommy, you're pretty." And lately you've started telling me that I am the best mommy that anyone could ever have.

I wish I could say that I agree with that... but there are so many times that I am afraid I've done something wrong, been too snappy or harsh, yelled... and said things that "good" Mommy's shouldn't say... but it opens up good conversations about sin and that mommies can make bad choices too. And you're always so forgiving.

So my sweet Hudson, on your 5th birthday... always know that YOU changed my life. You made me a mommy and gave me the most important job of my life. You are my pride and joy. I am so proud of you and the good choices that you make. I love how out going and friendly you are and I love how much you LOVE other people.

Keep being YOU baby boy. You will do BIG things for the Lord. I can't wait to see what year FIVE brings.

Love always,


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