Labor Day/Birthday Weekend In Review!
I had a super birthday week and our weekend turned into birthday celebration for Hudson and I. All of my mom's side of the family came down to visit and stay at the lake house this weekend and we had SUCH a good time!
Last week I got my latest Stitch Fix box. I was actually really pleased. I ended up keeping the flannel shirt! If you want to check out Stitch Fix you can go through this link! I love it and get about one box a month!
So we spent ALL weekend out at the lake. Bryan had a fantasy football draft on Friday night so the boys and I spent the night out there. We did lots of boat riding, fire pit and s'more eating... and swimming and tubing. It was a super fun weekend!My cousins that I don't get to see very often were here! I love this cousin of mine! Rachel is also a coach on my BB team-- we got to brainstorm some business ideas this weekend too! On Saturday night we celebrated my birthday with a Crab and Shrimp boil and my mom made my favorite Chocolate cake.
My big boy loved tubing. So did my baby boy but I missed getting a picture of that.
I tubed by myself and did great-- until I tried to get off the tube and into the boat and fell in the water.
Hudson had a blast with his "cousin" (my cousin's son) Jayden this weekend! These two were attached at the hip! They caught something like 22 fish yesterday too!
Then last night we celebrated Hudson's birthday while all of the family was still here. Bryan smoked a brisket and pulled pork and we took it out to the lake. I LOVE these Lego cookies that a local friend made! She has made all of my boy's birthday cookies and she never fails to amaze me!!!
Hudson got two big new Legos that he can't wait to help Pa put together. He got lots of other goodies too but the Legos stole the show I think! His real birthday is tomorrow and I cannot wait to keep celebrating him!!
Hope you all had a happy weekend!

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