Making Breakfast Yummy with Gluten-Free Cheerios™
This is a sponsored post written by me on
behalf of Gluten-Free Cheerios.
You may or may not know that I have a strong
family history of Celiac disease in my family. While I have not been diagnosed
with Celiac disease formally, I feel better when I am eating gluten free. So
I’ve been eating Gluten Free for several months now. I’ve recently been trying
to switch Rhett over to Gluten Free as well because he is so sensitive to
everything and I want to see if it helps but it is SO hard to keep kids on a
“GF” diet when big brother isn’t eating Gluten Free. So when I found out that Cheerios™
was coming out with new Gluten-Free Cheerios™ I was SO excited
because I love cereal and it’s something I knew Rhett would eat and probably
never know the difference because they look and tastes just like the regular
The story of Gluten-Free Cheerios begins with
Phil Zietlow, an engineer at General Mills for more than 50 years. After
discovering his daughter-in-law, Joyce, was diagnosed with Celiac disease, Phil
set off on a nearly six-year mission to make Gluten-Free Cheerios™. General
Mills wants everyone to be able to enjoy Cheerios™. Currently, about 1% of the
population is Celiac, and as much as 30% of the population is avoiding gluten.
It was important for General Mills to remove gluten from Cheerios™ so that
these large groups could enjoy Cheerios™, too. General Mills also only wants
what matters to go into its product, and by removing stray wheat, rye and
barley, it is delivering a more pure version of Cheerios™. Gluten-Free
Cheerios™ were achieved by changing the ingredient-sorting process — not the
ingredients themselves. (The one exception is for MultiGrain Cheerios™, which
was reformulated to include sorghum and millet instead of wheat and barley.)
Consumers can find Gluten-Free Cheerios™ by
looking for the Gluten-Free seal on packaging. It is beginning to appear in
stores now, but will be almost fully available in September and YAY! The price
will not change.
You better believe that the boxes barely came
through my front door before I was tearing open the box to test out my favorite
flavor. Any guess which is my favorite?!
Yep, Honey-Nut Cheerios are my jive. And guess
what?! These taste EXACTLY the same at the original version. Unless you see the
seal of approval on the front of the box, you’d have no idea they were any
different! They made me a quick fan. My boys ate the Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
this morning and didn’t know anything was different about them!
Hop over here to learn more
about Gluten-Free Cheerios!
This is a sponsored post written by me on
behalf of Gluten-Free Cheerios.

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