
Get Out of Debt-- Month 2 Update!

So this week marks the end of Month 2 since we started our get out of debt plan!! We didn't pay off quite as much this month, we took two impromptu trips where we had gas, food and dog boarding bills but I'm still excited to say we paid off over $3000!!! That also brings our total to $7,216 in two months!!! WOOT!

This month we had our first sit down budget meeting where we looked at our budget together. I spent way too long feeling anxiety about where our money was going because I was doing it alone (no one's fault other than my own) and it's so nice now that we look at it together, agree on where the money is going, and it's lifted a load of stress off of me. This month the bulk of the debt that we paid off was our lowest student loan. Getting that email that it was paid off was SO amazing. Makes me want to pinch every single penny so we can keep making that happen. The most freeing thing has been telling our money where to go and not having Credit Card payments. We are doing ok with our cash envelopes but I think this month will be better.

I forecasted out all of our debt and estimated what we could pay off when, and so far we are right on track. In honor of paying off debt we are setting a budget on our boys for Christmas. I've made several trips to the Walmart Assoc. Store (where we get things half off) and got them quite a few things for Christmas including Disney Infinity Characters for Hudson and a tool bench for Rhett. I have gotten a few things off of our yard sale site and just lack some books for Hudson (if anyone has some Hank the Cowdog, Boxcar Children, or similar little boy chapter books that are gently used that they want to get rid of let me know!) and some stocking stuffer things. I got them both two pairs of Christmas Jammies at the local resale shop (that MATCH!) for $3.50 a pair! I think I spent $50 at Gap on their Christmas Jammies last year... so this is much improved! Bryan and I aren't getting each other anything for Christmas, we'd rather be out of debt.

Christmas just starts "present" season for us (Bryan and I) because our Anniversary is January 3rd, and then Valentines day is a month later. This year we are going to do a date night for our anniversary so we'll just pay for our sitter (or maybe sweet talk our parents into watching them) and dinner (hopefully with Christmas gift cards!) and a movie and just enjoy spending time together. No gifts needed. It will feel so good when (hopefully) by next Christmas we are completely debt free other than our mortgage.

I'm not sure we'll do as good in December with paying off our debt with Christmas, but I'm hoping we can keep up the trend of $3000 at least!

Anyone else working on this?! I'd love to hear from you!

Happy Thursday!!


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