Random Wednesday- Lent, No TV and A New Challenge!
For Lent Bryan and I are cutting down (basically eliminating) the TV time in our house. This included taking away the iPads. Our boys were pretty addicted (no one's fault but our own) and it was time for a change. We started Monday but the boys had preschool so yesterday was our first full day with no TV and a momma trying to work at home. It has been a little crazy to say the least. I've set "work" hours for myself so that should help but it's been tough.
I knew when we decided to do this that it would be the most work and change for me. The boys really don't care. They haven't asked for the iPads once. All they want is for me to play with them so I am trying to set up a schedule changing activities every 30 minutes or so between crafts, quiet play time, stories, play together time... etc and I need tips and advice! What are some easy crafts and activities your kids like to do? I feel like I've pulled out all the stops today and it's only day 3 of 43! ha!!! And not to mention it's winter so outside play is out of the picture for the moment. I'd love to hear suggestions or some things you do together with your kids to keep them occupied that don't include technology and keep them from FIGHTING (not that my kids fight or anything ;))!
They loved playing next to me while I worked out yesterday! ha!!
On that same note I've got some exciting stuff coming up... I am on day three of three day refresh and feel like it's really kicked my sugar cravings to the curb. I feel SO good.
... And that's where this group comes in! It's going to be warm soon which means swimsuits, shorts and tank tops will come out of hiding and the body you've been working on all winter (good OR bad) will be on display. Scared and need to make a change?? We can help! Here is how...
Starting February 29th, we will spend three days together virtually! On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will commit to a 3 Day Cleanse and have a 30 minute Zoom Conference Call together, each night, to strengthen our commitment to stick with it and answer all your questions! It's so important to be accountable to each other because these cleanses take some will power!!
Then, starting Thursday, we will begin the 21 Day Fix together... We will be working out alongside you, doing the meal plans WITH you, cooking recipes and sharing our favorite tips for our favorite program!
You will have such amazing results in these 24 days, you won't hesitate to put on those summer clothes...I guarantee it! Just in time for Spring Break and coming into Summer!
There is a catch though, you have to purchase your Cleanse, workouts and meal plan. We are not going to buy it for you but we WILL do everything else! It's an investment in yourself but that's a drop in the hat considering it covers your cleanse, supplements, ALL your workouts, 1 meal each day is paid for, a virtual cleanse with two star diamond coaches and a proven meal plan and exercise program THAT works!
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