Easter 2016
I hope you all had a super Easter! We were on Spring break last week visiting family and were happy to get home to daddy on Thursday to celebrate Easter weekend!
Saturday the weather was gorgeous. We took the boys out to my parents' house to celebrate with a seafood boil and an Easter egg hunt. I put them in their Easter outfits because the weather was supposed to be bad on Sunday.
I love these boys. They are my whole life and whole heart!
The Easter bunny brought lots of goodies! Including candy and new books and a bunny monkey to the boys!We had an Easter service with our Narrative family at an old abandoned building downtown.
I saw an amazing Easter service come together out of an abandoned building downtown. I cried as one of my best friends' little girls were baptized by their daddy, I praised Jesus with a room full of believers Accapella after we blew a fuse (don't worry we got it back), I served brunch for the masses, listened as Jerad brought the gospel to us. And I saw a year of work and prayers come to fruition. A year ago my bestie was telling me all about leaving our church to start this whole "Narrative home church thing" while we ran one of our long runs and it was scary and unknown. At that point their hope was to kick it off this Easter... And I didn't know if it was what God had in the cards for us or not. I am so thankful that He has called us here and I am so proud of our friends for listening to His call. I couldn't have asked for a better Easter service remembering and celebrating our Risen Lord.
Happy Monday!

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