Hello! Nice to "Meet" you!
Hi!! I'm Jenna! If you're new around here, I am a 29-year-old southern girl. I live in the NW Arkansas- basically the best place on Earth in my opinion! I have been married to my Jr. High Sweet Heart, Bryan, for seven years, and we have 2 little boys, Hudson (age 5) and Rhett (age 3). I have been blogging since I was pregnant with Hudson, so over six years now, and have really just found my blog to be a place where I can inspire others and keep a scrapbook of my kids and what they're up to.
I love all things fitness and nutrition (I stick to a mainly paleo/whole30 diet), so I talk about it a lot. I am a work in progress, but I am so proud of myself and the progress that I have made over the last three years. I am a One Star Diamond BeachBody Coach, I lead a team of over 100 other ladies (most of whom I have met through my blog) who are also motivating and helping others change their lives. We run monthly challenge groups on Facebook for just about any fitness level and body type. If you ever want to chat about that you can email me here! You can also check out my BeachBody website here.
Besides that, I love iced coffee (now with just a splash of almond milk), running with my best friends (I'm currently training for my fourth half marathon with them), spending time with my boys and husband, Instagram, being outside, summer time, game nights, fall smells, painted nails and having a clean house. I also LOVE meeting new people.
So welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I'm choosing joy and helping others do the same!!

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