
Private School, Asthma Attacks and March Musings

Six months or so ago, I really felt pushed to look into a private classical Christian Academy for Hudson for the fall. Life got in the way and we kind of let it go, but last week I had a coffee date with a  friend who (unknowingly to me) had a daughter who goes to this school and she really encouraged me to go to the informational meeting and try it out. The Lord knew that I need that little push, and when I went to contact the admissions director again, there happened to be an informational meeting just a few days later. So Bryan, Hudson and I went to the meeting ( and dinner!) last week and Bryan and I both left with a sense of peace about putting Hudson in this school next year. It is two days a week on campus and then three days a week of homeschool. It will be an interesting journey for sure, but one that Bryan and I both feel like is right for our family for right now. Hudson found out that they have a lego elective, so he was automatically on board. We are going to take things one year at a time, and we haven't officially been accepted yet, but we are praying that if it is the Lord's will, the door will open for us!

 And seriously... how can I be the mom of an almost kindergartener???
 Sunday we had a fun family day. It was beautiful outside. We took the boys to Cabelas and then to see Zootopia.

Monday was another beautiful day. I went and registered Hudson for public school in case our other school doesn't work out and walking in there I didn't have the peace about it like I did the other school, it really confirmed how we felt about everything.
Hudson had his first spring soccer practice and we got to take the top off of our Jeep for the first time this season (unfortunately its cool again now, so the top is back on.)
 ...then Tuesday morning this little booger woke us up having his first ever Asthma attack. It scared the crud out of us but we had an albuterol inhaler at home for him which helped right away. Thankfully our pediatrician has an early morning walk in clinic so he got seen right away, a big ol steroid shot and steroids for the rest of the week. I've kept him home with me all week and he seems to be doing better. I think we might have a long road with asthma ahead of us.
 So besides that we've just been hanging at home (inside in the AC) all week. Poor buddy. Our Ped thinks is seasonal allergy related.
...that's all I've got for today! Sorry my posts have been few and far between. We've been busy! Happy Thursday!


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