Summit Recap 2016
Last week I had the privilege to go to Nashville for Beachbody's Annual Summit Conference. I didn't go last year and I kicked myself the whole time, so I knew I had to be there this year. I went with 4 girls from my team, only one of whom I had ever met, and we had a fabulous time! My husband was amazing and kept the boys while I was gone, and our sitter, Megan, stayed with them while he was at work. It takes a village and I am so thankful for mine!!!
I had never flown by myself, but I was up for the adventure. My flights on the way there were delay after delay... and I sat on the 45 min flight for 4 hours in the plane, on the runway, it was a good time.... but I kept telling myself it would be WAY worse if the boys were with me. I watched two movies and finally made it to my hotel in Nashville around 1 AM.
We got all registered the next morning and it was so cool to get all my bands and name tag. I got really emotional walking through the main entrance and just being there. I've worked really hard on this business these last two years and it was so cool to finally be recognized.
Then my friends started showing up! Traci and I have been friends almost two years via the internet. We met officially in February when we took a little team trip to the beach, but it had been six months since I'd seen her, I was happy to hug her again!!!
I got to go to a BBQ that my upline coach put on for all of her coaches and it was so good to get to hug all of these girls that I've known online for so long but never officially "met"
Thursday night we had the opening ceremonies and Traci and I got to walk the stage and be recognized as one star diamond coaches. It was approximately 9000 degrees in the tunnel where we waited to walk out, but one of the coolest experiences ever.
Bryan and the boys caught it on the live stream and it just completely made this all worth it. He said that they were SO proud of see me "on tv" and I knew that they were getting to see me accomplishing one of my dreams. I hope I always inspire them to chase their dreams no matter how scary they are!!! They are my why.
waiting in the tunnel where it was a million degrees with no breeze. love this girl. |
Jessica became a coach of mine in May. We met on Instagram. Loved getting to know her! |
The girls pictured below are my success pod girls. We have a private chat on facebook and they really push me to be my best and push me as a leader. It was so good to hug them all!
Friday evening I had earned a free workout with Shaun T. He is the trainer that we originally started BB with when Bryan bought Insanity off of an infomercial when I was pregnant with Rhett. I LOVE Shaun T. I have done several of his programs (Focus T25, Insanity, Insanity Max 30, Cize), and I got to be up close and personal for this exclusive Cize workout. I think it was by far THE most fun thing I did on my trip. And I EARNED it, which makes it even more special. I live video'd it on facebook but the workout was SO fun and I left completely sweaty!
Saturday we saw Tony Horton on the side of the street filming a commerical for 22 min hard corps. It was cool.
Next year's summit is in New Orleans! We'd love for you to join us!!!
I learned SO much that helped me develop as a leader and I feel like our team got really close while we were there. We got to hear some AMAZING speakers and learn from the best in the company.
Which leads me to this... this job, this business, I began it to make an income from home, to fill a void that I was feeling, to keep me accountable in my weight loss and fitness journey... but it brought me a tribe, a family, a group of supportive women that I had no clue I was missing. They understand the strain of being a working/stay at home mom. They understand the struggle of losing weight. They understand me. They get it. And I am so glad I found them-- all online-- through THIS blog I found Traci who I now consider a best friend and Instagram/blog I found Jessica! And there are countless other stories just like this-- now these girls are growing their own teams and making an income from home!!! If you've ever wanted to reach out to me but were worried it might be "weird" PLEASE don't be. I can't imagine if Traci had never emailed me. If this is something that spikes your interest, even in the slightest bit, I'd love to chat! You can always email me or reach out on social media and I promise I won't think you're weird AT all!
Which leads me to this... we are kicking off our FREE sneak peek into challenge groups group today and rolling it into our BRAND new Country Heat Challenge group next week. I've been doing Country Heat these last few days and LOVE it. Also, I'm giving away a copy of Country Heat on Instagram that you can check out! You can email me or add me on facebook and shoot me a message for info on any of this!! Happy Thursday loves!

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