DIY Milk Bath
I live in my bathtub. My body aches and hurts and each of my pregnancies I have lived in the bath tub. I recently discovered Lush Bath Bombs, and some more economical ones on Etsy. And when you're taking a bath every day that can get a LITTLE pricey. I've been out of my fun bath stuff and started researching and made some of my own...
1 cup dry milk
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
5-10 drops of Essential Oils
(I used Lavender and Stress Away from YLEO)
Add 1/4-1/2 cup to warm bath and enjoy!
Do you have any DIY bath recipes? I want to start making my own bath bombs but haven't gotten the stuff yet!! I'd love to hear your ideas :)

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