For The Moments I Feel Weak.
I had a day last week that tested my patience, who am I kidding... every day tests my patience, but this day was particularly hard. My boys were very high energy and I was not. I snapped at them, was short with them, raised my voice and had to do way too many timeouts. As soon as they were in bed they both came out needing things and I had had it. I explained to Hudson that the baby makes mama tired and I needed to rest. He got back in bed and I took a bath. I just went in to check on him. To love on him and tell him that I'm sorry that I wasn't my best self today. And I found this: My sweet sleeping boy. And I knew that tomorrow he probably won't remember and I'll have another shot and as I watched him sleep I prayed over him that he'd remember the good of our day and not the bad. Motherhood is hard. I'm constantly tested and I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that sometimes I'm terrified about having three. Unsure how I'll handle them all. But Grace. God's Grace. That's how I'll make it. Because it's Him- not me. I hope this encourages some of you who've had a rough day. Motherhood is tough. And I can't do it alone. But God sustains me.
So today if you find yourself in the midst of a trial, in a storm, or just plain stressed out and fed up... I pray you take a deep breath and remember the one who created you, who put you RIGHT exactly where you're supposed to be, that He is with you. And know more than anything else, that you're not alone, mamas unite! We need each other!
Happy Wednesday.
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