
25 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks 4 days

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a rutabaga. Whatever that is. 14 inches, 1.5 lbs. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Just yes. And Bryan's t-shirts. 

Gender: Baby BOY! Sawyer Anthony. 

Movement: Yes all the time. Waking me up at 2 AM. It's good times. The picture above about sums up how I feel all the time.

Sleep: Sleeping well! Other than the baby waking me up. And the dumb time change waking my kids up at 5 AM

What I miss: Being able to consume massive amounts of caffeine. I'm limiting myself everyday and I need more. ha!

Cravings: Peppermint Mochas. Sub sandwiches. That's still about it. 

Symptoms: Indigestion, being tired. Same as last week

Best Moment this week: Rhett got to feel Sawyer move. Hudson wants to but hasn't had enough patience. It was sweet seeing how excited Rhett got!

Rhett had colic really bad. I am praying that Sawyer doesn't but just incase Twistshake sent me one of their anticolic bottles to try. I love the bright colors and each bottle comes with a formula container as well. Twistshake is offering my readers a 20% discount on their entire assortment with code jennachoosingjoy20 and they ship worldwide with free shipping over $25! I can't wait to get more before Sawyer comes! You can check them out on IG here or their website here.

Happy Thursday friends!!


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