30 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 weeks 5 days
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a head of cabbage (16 inches, 3 lbs)
Maternity Clothes: Yep. Almost all Maternity at this point.
Gender: Baby BOY! Sawyer Anthony.
Movement: Yes. He moves SO much. I actually mentioned it to my doctor last week and she said some babies are just more active than others. That worries me a little for when he is born! ha!
Sleep: I'm waking up every night around 1:30 to go to the bathroom and having a very hard time going back to sleep. It's no bueno. I told Bryan I think it's just my body prepping me for a newborn, but I'd rather be sleeping now to prep, ha!
What I miss: Feeling normal. I think I say that every week. I'm just ready to have my body back to myself. I said that last week and I am saying it again this week. (yep, this again)
Cravings: Sprinkled donuts this week. The craving struck in the middle of the night last week and I didn't get my donut until the boys and I grabbed donuts to celebrate the first day of Christmas break.
Symptoms: Indigestion. That's my biggest complaint this week. And that I can't reach my feet. Also I am battling a sinus infection and that just makes everything miserable because you can't take the good meds, I am hoping to be over the worst of it so I can enjoy this weekend!
Best Moment this week: I had a check up last Wednesday and he's still measuring about two weeks ahead. I talked with my doctor about the chances of him coming as early as the other boys and she thinks it's likely since it happened like clockwork with both of them. With Hudson and Rhett at 34 weeks my blood pressure decides to go haywire and I was on bedrest until I had them at 35/36 weeks but since I came into this pregnancy much healthier, there is also hope that my blood pressure will stay good longer. I'm monitoring it at home and so far so good. His heart rate was mid-130s and I start my every two week appointments now (except not this time because of the holidays). We're shooting for 38 weeks- which would be a Valentine's baby- that's what I am hoping for!
ALSO, I got the CUTEST package in the mail for Sawyer this week! Thanks so much Ashley!
Ok thats all! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas weekend!
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