Hudson is SEVEN!
I can't even believe that this is possible. My baby-- my first born-- turned SEVEN last week!
We celebrated by renting a suite at our local minor league team's playoff game and invited some of Hudson's friend. THIRTEEN boys- and some of their parents, a lot of noise and excitement and a SUPER fun time!!
Some of you may not know that Hudson fell off of the monkey bars at school three weeks ago and broke both bones in his arm. He was SUCH a trooper, I was out of town when it happened and Daddy spent all day with him in the ER and I made it home just in time for them to take him to surgery to set it. My heart broke for him but I am so proud of how brave he's been. He's been a little bummed of all the things he can't do, but he's been playing lots of legos to make up for it. It is his right hand, and he's right handed, so that makes writing and normal things a lot more difficult. He's in the cast a total of 7 weeks. This massive cast for one more week and then a below the elbow for three weeks.
Hudson, you are the absolute light and joy of my life. You're the boy who made me a mama and every day I see you becoming more and more into the person God created for you to be. You have a heart and desire to share Jesus with others and I can't wait to see more of that this year. You know Jesus and are ready to get baptized. You literally cannot wait to get Baptized. This is something Daddy and I have been talking with you about for awhile to make sure you understand, and you definitely do. You LOVE your baby brother. So much. The relationship you have with him is one of my favorite things to watch. You love legos, and video games, riding your bike and light sabers. Your new favorite thing to do at our new house is ride the 4 wheeler with daddy. Happy 7th birthday, my love! I hope 7 is your best year yet!
We celebrated by renting a suite at our local minor league team's playoff game and invited some of Hudson's friend. THIRTEEN boys- and some of their parents, a lot of noise and excitement and a SUPER fun time!!
Some of you may not know that Hudson fell off of the monkey bars at school three weeks ago and broke both bones in his arm. He was SUCH a trooper, I was out of town when it happened and Daddy spent all day with him in the ER and I made it home just in time for them to take him to surgery to set it. My heart broke for him but I am so proud of how brave he's been. He's been a little bummed of all the things he can't do, but he's been playing lots of legos to make up for it. It is his right hand, and he's right handed, so that makes writing and normal things a lot more difficult. He's in the cast a total of 7 weeks. This massive cast for one more week and then a below the elbow for three weeks.
Hudson, you are the absolute light and joy of my life. You're the boy who made me a mama and every day I see you becoming more and more into the person God created for you to be. You have a heart and desire to share Jesus with others and I can't wait to see more of that this year. You know Jesus and are ready to get baptized. You literally cannot wait to get Baptized. This is something Daddy and I have been talking with you about for awhile to make sure you understand, and you definitely do. You LOVE your baby brother. So much. The relationship you have with him is one of my favorite things to watch. You love legos, and video games, riding your bike and light sabers. Your new favorite thing to do at our new house is ride the 4 wheeler with daddy. Happy 7th birthday, my love! I hope 7 is your best year yet!

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